FEI World Vaulting Championships Senior - Le Mans 2012

FEI World Vaulting Championships Senior - Le Mans 2012



All Videos of FEI World Vaulting Championships Senior in Le Mans 2012 are availlable in 3 complete packages.

Also availlable: Photo-DVDs of Barny Thierolf, see a preview in his Gallery

-Paket 1: Compulsories

Opening Ceremony, Compulsory Test of all 32 Females, 15 Males and 9 Seniorteams.

Runtime ca. 181 Minutes


-Paket 2: Freestyles

Freestyles (Round 1) of all 32 Females, 15 Males, 9 Seniorteams and 8 Pas de Deux.

Runtime ca. 179 Minutes


-Paket 3: Finals

DVD1: Individuals
Technical Test and Freestyle (Round 2) of the best 15 Females and Males, incl. Kiss&Cry.

Runtime ca. 172 Minutes

DVD2: Teams + Pas de Deux
Freestyle (Round 2) of all 9 Seniorteams and 8 Pas de Deux, Medal Ceremony
Runtime ca. 171 Minutes