AGG Miss Valentine Cup Tartu 2015

AGG Miss Valentine Cup Tartu 2015



The DVDs of AGG Miss Valentine Cup Tartu 2015 contain the complete competition of all categories.
Also the Medal Ceremonies have been filmed and are on the DVDs.

There are 4 DVDs of the whole event:

DVD1: MV 8-10, 10-12, 12-14
MV AGG 8-10, 10-12, 12-14

Runtime: 124 Minutes.

DVD2: MV Junior, Senior
Preliminaries+Finals MV Junior, MV Senior

Runtime: 116 Minutes.

DVD3: World-Cup, Challenge Cup
Preliminaries+Finals Challenge Cup (Junior), World-Cup (Senior)

Runtime: 155 Minutes.

DVD4: Medal Ceremonies, Gala
All Medal Ceremonies and Gala-Show

Runtime: 165 Minutes.